
Specialty Chemical

Equipment Capacity/Flow Rate

Low flow

Compounds of Concern


Influent Concentration


Treatment Targets


Unit Energy Consumption



Specialty Chemical

Equipment Capacity/Flow Rate

Low flow

Compounds of Concern


Influent Concentration


Treatment Targets


Unit Energy Consumption


Background: PAHs

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic to the human body and can cause a range of respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. Industries which produce PAHs in their wastewater are fully aware of the dangers and often come to us requesting help.

A sustainable solution for their removal, without chemical dosing or the production of secondary waste is in high demand. Our water treatment processes are designed to reduce persistent organic compounds to trace levels.

Jerome Budin

Wastewater consultant

Schedule a call with one of our wastewater treatment consultants at your convenience. Or you can send us an enquiry.

The problem: Removal of PAHs from wastewater

A chemical company approached Arvia to help them remove PAHs (Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons) from their wastewater.

There were two specific PAHs which needed to be reduced. These were fluoranthene and the most well known PAH, benzo(a)pyrene, also known as BaP. This chemical is understood to cause cancer in humans and is found in oil and gas wastewater as well as tobacco smoke and in toasted food.

Both chemicals are hazardous in water and we were asked to use our water technology to reduce the PAHs levels.

What’s it like to work with Arvia?

“Arvia have been interested, attentive and very knowledgeable in our project for treatment of API residues in waste. Their technology is innovative and has been proven to solve our waste issue.”

Pharmaceutical company, US

Results: PAH reduction from water

The concentrations of the PAHs were in the µg/L range so the Nyex™-a system was selected. This process overcomes mass transport limitations. The combination of adsorption with electrochemical oxidation in the Nyex™-a system means treatment is targeted to the localised (adsorbed) contaminant, where the highly reactive hydroxyl radicals are produced.

Fluoranthene was treated from a live wastewater stream over a 9-month period, achieving an average of >68.3% removal as evidenced in the adjacent graph.

Free industrial wastewater consultation

Tell us what organic compounds you need to remove from your water and our consultants will give their recommended approach which might involve:

  • Engineering assessment of your water profile
  • Treatability trial to scope the pilot
  • Optioneering to determine best solution