Our downloadable content includes case studies, white papers and datasheets in pdf form.

AMR is caused by the misuse of antimicrobials, but made worse by antimicrobials contaminating our water. White paper discusses tackling AMR through water treatment.

CASE STUDY: Removal of Pharmaceutical Residues from Wastewater for Anglian Water
Removal of pharmaceutical residues (Ciprofloxacin, Diclofenac and Ibuprofen) from wastewater.

CASE STUDY: Removal of Triton X-100 from Pharmaceutical Wastewater
Reduction from 15 mg/L to 0.01 mg/L was reached in less than 6 minutes residence time using about 0.70 Euros worth of energy per m³

CASE STUDY: Reduce Incineration Cost – Nicotine Removal from Nicotine Gum Wastewater
Nyex removed 99% of nicotine from the waste stream to allow our client to save on incineration costs.

CASE STUDY: COD Removal for Water Reuse in Tobacco Manufacturing
Nyex reduced the overall COD loading from 50mg/L to limit of detection which enabled wastewater reuse.

CASE STUDY: Nicotine Removal from Tobacco Wastewater
Nicotine removal from e-cig and tobacco wastewater.

CASE STUDY: Phenol Removal from Chemical Wastewater
Phenol removal from chemical wastewater using a Nyex-a water treatment system.

CASE STUDY: Cetylpyridinium Chloride Removal from Personal Care Wastewater
Targeted reduction of Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC) using a Nyex-a water treatment system.

CASE STUDY: Colour and COD Removal from Tea Wastewater
Complete removal of colour and reduction of COD in tea wash water using a Nyex-a water treatment system

CASE STUDY: Dye Removal from Textiles Wastewater to Enable Water Reuse
How we achieved COD and dye removal from textiles wastewater using a combination of our Nyex-a and Nyex-e water treatment processes.

CASE STUDY: Removal of Herbicides from Industrial Wastewater
We reduced five herbicides from agrochemical wastewater to approximately 99.8% with an applied current of 1 Amp.

CASE STUDY: RO Reject Water Treatment to Protect Bio Process
Removal of recalcitrant organics from reverse osmosis reject water to protect a downstream biological process.

WHITE PAPER: How to remove BTEX and phenols from wastewater
How Nyex™ effectively and safely removes BTEX and phenol from specialty chemical wastewater – to below measurable levels.

WHITE PAPER: Ten things you should know about PNEC levels
What are PNEC levels, why are they so important? Our PNEC guide tells you all you need to know to achieve your PNEC levels.

WHITE PAPER: The Positive Cost of CSR
Why any company that discharges water needs to be ready to be put under the microscope.

CASE STUDY: Removal of Azoles from Semiconductor Wastewater to Enable Water Reuse
A world leading IDM came to us because they had azoles in the water which their existing water treatment processes were unable to remove.

CASE STUDY: Removal of BTEX and PAHs from Chemical Wastewater
This case study describes the removal by Nyex of persistent organic contaminants, BTEX and PAHs.

CASE STUDY: COD Polishing for Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical
With a flow rate of 60 m3/h and an influent concentration of 90 – 150 mg/L COD, the target was to reduce the COD by 15mg/L for safe discharge.

WHITE PAPER: The Hidden Environmental Costs of Activated Carbon
Activated carbon has an eco-friendly reputation. But it is not as it seems when you look at production and regeneration costs to the environment.

WHITE PAPER: Pesticides in Groundwater
If you have a problem with pesticides in groundwater and need treatment of agrochemical wastewater, this paper explains the issues and discusses the options.

WHITE PAPER: Industrial Water Reuse Working Towards Zero Liquid Discharge
The scarcity of water is pushing up its price so water reuse is becoming more important. How can our unique technology help your Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) strategy?

FACT SHEET: Tertiary treatment products Nyex Rosalox and Nyex Ellenox
Read about our features and benefits of the hero products of our two core technologies: Nyex Rosalox™ and Nyex Ellenox™.

FACT SHEET: Treatability Trials
Our in-depth treatability trials provide the first step towards a solution for tertiary water and wastewater issues.

FACT SHEET: Organic Micropollutant Removal
Global water demand will outstrip supply by 60% by 2030. Here’s how Arvia is helping this situation.

CASE STUDY: Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater
We were approached by a pharmaceutical company generating small batches of wastewater with persistent APIs.

Fact Sheet: Pollutants we treat
Take a look at a sample of the pollutants we can remove from wastewater and the levels to which we can remove them to.