Kyprolis removal from water

Kyprolis, a potent chemotherapy drug that presents a concerning environmental issue when it enters watercourses. Kyprolis persistence in water can be detrimental to aquatic life and the ecosystem. Arvia technology can provide an eco-friendly solution with our Nyex Ellenox treatment technology reducing the pollutants all the way down to trace levels.

This article explores the multifaceted aspects of Kyprolis, delves into legacy removal methods, and emphasizes the distinct advantages of the Nyex Ellenox™ system.

What we achieved

Our Nyex Ellenox system successfully removed 99% of Kyprolis in just 30 minutes.

Nyex Ellenox logo for pollutant page How it works

Kyprolis in Pharma and Chemical Manufacturing

Industrial wastewater streams can also be contaminated with Kyprolis, making robust wastewater treatment essential – often in order to avoid compliance issues.

Arvia Technology’s Nyex Ellenox™ system excels in addressing this issue by providing a comprehensive solution for pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing facilities.

Key advantages of Nyex Ellenox™

Electrochemical oxidation

The Nyex Ellenox™ system combines is an electrochemical oxidation process, ensuring comprehensive removal of Kyprolis and a wide range of other contaminants.

Energy efficiency

The system consumes minimal energy compared to traditional methods, reducing operational costs and environmental impact.


The system aligns with eco-friendly principles, minimizing the environmental footprint of Kyprolis removal processes.

Continuous Operation

The Nyex Ellenox™ system can operate continuously, providing a consistent and dependable solution for Kyprolis removal. However it is also suitable for batch operation, with minimal start-up times.

Minimal maintenance

Compared to traditional methods, it requires less frequent maintenance, reducing downtime and operational costs


The system can be scaled to accommodate different flow rates and contamination levels, making it suitable for various applications.

Jerome Budin

Water Treatment Consultant

Book a meeting at your convenience to talk to one of our specialists about your wastewater issues. Or send us an enquiry.

Other ways to remove kyprolis from water

Various techniques, including oxidation, adsorption, and reverse osmosis, can be employed to remove Kyprolis from water. However, the Nyex Ellenox™ system distinguishes itself with several advantages that set it apart from traditional methods as we shall see.

Oxidation by Ozone

Ozone treatment is an efficient method for Kyprolis removal from water. Ozone, a powerful oxidizing agent, breaks down Kyprolis into simpler, less harmful compounds.

However, working with ozone can be challenging due to its toxicity, necessitating careful storage, handling and disposal. Moreover, the efficiency of ozone treatment may vary depending on water quality and pH.

Granular activated carbon (GAC)

Granular activated carbon (GAC) is another effective method for Kyprolis removal. GAC’s incredibly porous structure adsorbs this drug from water, effectively removing it.

However, one of the drawbacks of this method is the management of spent carbon waste, which can be costly and requires proper disposal or regeneration, as we explain here.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a membrane-based method that can efficiently remove Kyprolis from water by separation at the molecular level.

It is particularly effective at removing a wide range of contaminants. However, RO systems can be energy-intensive and produce very toxic wastewater, which may require further special treatment or disposal.

Learn how Arvia products can help

Nyex Rosalox

Nyex Ellenox