Articles / Water reuse / Water scarcity / Water technology
World Water Day
World Water Day
March 14, 2024
World Water Day
Overview of World Water Day
Fresh water is vital for life, and World Water Day is used to advocate for the sustainable management and distribution of freshwater resources worldwide. As world population grows, the fact that water is a finite resource is brought more sharply into focus, inevitably leading to increased reliance on water preservation and reuse.
Over 30 years ago the United Nations instigated World Water Day – to carry the message of its vital role worldwide.

The aim of World Water Day is to inspire sustainable water resource management
World Water Day 2024
The theme of World Water Day 2024 is ‘Water for Peace’ – a subject of immense importance, bearing in mind current conflicts in Eastern Europe, The Middle East, Africa and countless other trouble spots worldwide. Essentially water can create peace or spark conflict.
In 2024, over 3 billion people worldwide depended on water that crosses national borders. In very few countries (in fact in just 24) is there an agreement for shared water from transboundary aquifers, watercourses or basins.
Public health, agriculture and energy systems, manufacturing productivity and especially environmental integrity all depend on protecting and conserving water – our most precious resource.
But with so much of the world’s water capable of being used as leverage, it also has the potential to be used as a powerful weapon. World Water Day on 22 March, 2024 will create greater awareness of this vitally important issue.
Problems of water scarcity
Water scarcity is brought on by climate change, the degradation of natural environments, urbanization, intensive agriculture and the aftermath of disasters.
As a result of scarcity, the cost of water is inevitably rising. But as a consequence, wastewater recycling is becoming increasingly viable. In the past, most industrial wastewater went to the sewers. Today, with increased regulation, industrial water reuse is becoming the norm.
Water reuse
Currently only a percentage of water from industry is reused; but in an increasingly regulated situation (especially in the US, Western Europe, and APAC) effective water management is seen as essential for many new industrial facilities.
Water that has been utilized for industrial processes is best treated at source, before it’s sent to the sewer or direct to watercourses. Rather than waiting until wastewater is one massive polluted ‘soup’, it’s far simpler and quicker to treat polluted water immediately after an industrial process, with the added advantage of being able to reuse it several times. As well as creating economic and environmental benefit, this also means industry is enhancing business continuity by increasing independence from municipal supplies or tankered resources.

Water scarcity affects billions of people around the world
Industrial water pollution
Wastewater reuse at plant or process level is therefore the most cost-effective method of industrial water treatment, so what’s often required are small units that retro-fit alongside or into existing installations.
Of many water-treatment methods available, electrochemistry is proving to be extremely capable of reducing many pollutants, poisonous solvents and recalcitrant compounds down to low levels in wastewater.
The advantage of an electro-chemical process is that it’s normally achieved without the use of additional toxic chemicals or vast amounts of power. Many of these systems also have a compact and flexible form factor, something that legacy systems like ozonation or RO struggle to deliver.
Countless industrial processes using large amounts of fresh water could save millions of litres per year, using this new generation of water treatment technologies.
New water treatment technology
Arvia’s expertise lies in electrochemical water treatment processes using our patented Nyex technology.
We’ve developed several solutions to successfully break down and remove many harmful recalcitrant pollutants and even endocrine disruptors from polluted water, offering performance down to parts per trillion.
Launching in 2024 will be an additional range of treatment systems specifically designed to destroy PFAS compounds.
Why we should embrace World Water Day 2024
Water is our most precious resource. It’s also finite. World peace is literally dependent on water, as is the continued well-being of everyone on earth.
Every litre of water we save and every drop of water we re-use will be part of our legacy to future generations.
Water conservation is entirely possible – we already have the tools. Now the world just needs the will.
To find out more about World Water Day click here
To find out more about Arvia’s advanced range of water treatment tools
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