Dicloromethane removal from water

Dicloromethane has become a key ingredient in various chemical formulations, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, making it an indispensable chemical in many industries.

However, DCM’s ubiquity comes with a downside. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has classified DCM as a class 1 solvent due to its potential adverse health effects. This signals that its use should be curtailed by manufacturers and alternatives should be sourced.

Exposure to DCM has been linked to various health issues, including liver damage, lung cancer, and central nervous system disorders. It is also detrimental to the environment, particularly when it contaminates water sources, posing a risk to aquatic life and ecosystems.

Arvia technology can provide an eco-friendly and cost efficient solution with our Nyex Ellenox technology that can remove DCM down to trace levels.

What we achieved

We can remove 99% of Dicloromethane using our Nyex Ellenox technology

Nyex Ellenox logo for pollutant page How it works

Key advantages of Nyex Ellenox™

Electrochemical oxidation

The Nyex Ellenox™ system is an electrochemical oxidation process, ensuring comprehensive removal of DCMand a wide range of other contaminants.

Energy efficiency

The system minimizes energy consumption, making it a sustainable choice for DCM removal


Nyex™ technology generates minimal waste and byproducts, reducing environmental footprint. Plus no moving parts means a more reliable system.


Ellenox systems can be tailored to treat various water sources and adapt to different DCM concentrations.


Ellenox reactors have the capacity to work 24/7 but the flexibility to support batch working as and when required

High Removal Efficiency

The system offers a high removal rate, ensuring clean and safe water./p>

Jerome Budin

Water Treatment Consultant

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Other ways to remove Dicloromethane from water

Various techniques are currently employed to remove DCM from water sources, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most commonly used methods:

Oxidation by Ozone

Oxidation processes involve the use of chemicals or physical methods to break down DCM molecules into less harmful substances. Common oxidants include ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and UV light. These methods are effective in reducing DCM concentrations but may produce byproducts that require further treatment or disposal.


Adsorption techniques utilize materials like activated carbon to trap DCM molecules from water. Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and activated carbon filters are widely used in water treatment plants. While effective, adsorption methods require periodic replacement of the adsorbent material and proper disposal of spent waste.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Reverse osmosis is a membrane-based filtration technique that can effectively remove DCM from water. It works by forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane, trapping DCM molecules while allowing clean water to pass through. RO systems are efficient but require proper maintenance and can generate toxic wastewater during the filtration process.

Conclusion: Dicloromethane Removal from Water

In conclusion, Dicloromethane (DCM) is a ubiquitous chemical with a wide range of applications across industries. Its presence in water sources poses significant risks to both human health and the environment. The urgency of mitigating these risks cannot be overstated.

Manufacturers and organizations involved in water treatment and environmental protection have a responsibility to employ efficient DCM removal methods. While various techniques exist, the Arvia Technology Nyex Ellenox™ system emerges as a top-tier solution, offering energy efficiency, eco-friendliness, and high removal efficiency.

In the quest to safeguard our water sources and aquatic ecosystems, choosing the right DCM removal system is paramount. Arvia Technology’s innovative approach represents a promising step forward in achieving this crucial goal.

By investing in such advanced solutions, we can work collectively to reduce the presence of Dicloromethane and similar chemicals in our environment, promoting a healthier and more sustainable world.

Learn how Arvia products can help

Nyex Rosalox

Nyex Ellenox