Bisoprolol removal from water

It can be a difficult to remove Bisoprolol from wastewater, as advanced treatment is required due to it’s chemical properties. However, their are treatments available such as our very own Nyex Rosalox technology that can be very effective in Bisoprolol removal from water. We have seen great success, achieving 99% removal of Bisoprolol using our wastewater treatment system.

Our Nyex Rosalox technology achieved 99% removal of Bisoprolol from wastewater – from 0.02 µg/L to below 0.0002 µg/L.

Bisoprolol environmental toxicity

The increasing detection of bisoprolol in water sources means it should be removed. This is due to potential risks to human health and the environment.

When beta-blockers, such as bisoprolol, are present in water sources, they can pose potential dangers to the environment.

Here are some reasons why beta-blockers are considered harmful to the environment and bisoprolol water treatment is required.



Beta-blockers can exhibit toxic effects on aquatic organisms, including fish, invertebrates, and algae. Even at low concentrations, they may disrupt reproduction and behaviour of aquatic life.



Beta-blockers have the potential to accumulate in living organisms. This means that they can accumulate in the tissues of aquatic organisms over time. As one organism consumes another, the concentration of beta-blockers can increase up the food chain. This includes fish and other marine life consumed by humans.


Drug resistance development

Exposure to beta-blockers in the environment can create drug resistance in micro-organisms and aquatic organisms. This can have implications for the effectiveness of medical treatments that rely on beta-blockers. It also limits the ability of natural ecosystems to combat infections and diseases.


Hormonal Disruption

Beta-blockers can interfere with the endocrine systems of organisms. These compounds may disrupt hormonal balance, affecting reproductive processes, growth, and development. This disruption can have cascading effects on population dynamics and the overall health of affected species.


Environmental Persistence

Beta-blockers, including bisoprolol, are known for their persistence in the environment. They can resist degradation through natural processes, leading to their long-term presence in water sources.

Does Adsorption Remove Bisoprolol?

Adsorption, particularly through activated carbon filtration, is a reasonably effective method for removing bisoprolol from drinking water.

Activated carbon has a high affinity for organic compounds, including compounds like bisoprolol. It works by trapping bisoprolol molecules onto its porous surface, effectively removing them from the water.

However, activated carbon filtration for bisoprolol removal is extremely energy-intensive, and not environmentally-friendly as we explain in this article.

Another major drawback is granular activated carbon starts degrading as soon as it is installed. It also needs regular replenishment to remain effective. This may involve taking filtration systems off-line.

Removing bisoprolol from water

Arvia Technology’s Nyex Rosalox™ water treatment system offers significant benefits in water treatment for pharmaceutical removal. Results can reduce from mg/l to literally trace levels.

The Rosalox system itself utilizes a unique combination of advanced adsorption and electro-chemical oxidation. It effectively targets and eliminates many medications and APIs, including anti-depressants like bisoprolol. The secret is the patented Nyex adsorptive media. Unlike activated carbon which degrades, Nyex actually regenerates itself as part of the treatment process.

Nyex Rosalox™ reactors have been specially developed for tertiary water processing and have no moving parts for ultimate reliability. No toxic sludge is produced, and no hazardous chemicals are involved.

Trace-level removal ensures minimal residual concentrations, considerably reducing potential risks to human health and the environment. In all, Arvia Technology’s Nyex Rosalox system offers a reliable and sustainable solution to removing pharmaceuticals from water, with remarkable results.

Jerome Budin

Wastewater Treatment Consultant

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Nyex Rosalox

Nyex Ellenox

Bisoprolol is a heart medication commonly used for patients with heart disease. Our Nyex treatment process tested Bisoprolol removal from water and achieved 99% of bisoprolol from the wastewater – from 0.02 µg/L to below 0.0002 µg/L.