Urea removal from water

Urea, a nitrogen-containing compound, has a wide range of applications across various industries. However, when it finds its way into our water sources, it can pose significant environmental and health risks. It also prevent water reuse, something that is becoming increasingly important.

This article will discuss urea and why it needs to be removed from water. Additionally, it will explore the various methods used to accomplish this crucial task.

We will also introduce the Nyex Rosalox™ system by Arvia Technology as the best and most eco-friendly solution for removing urea.

What we achieved

Recently we reduced 3.05mg/L concentration to zero, removing 100% of the urea.

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What is urea used for?

Urea, chemically represented as (NH₂)₂CO, is a naturally occurring organic compound. Its synthesis in 1828 by German chemist Friedrich Wöhler marked a significant milestone in chemistry, as it was the first organic compound created from inorganic materials.

Urea’s versatility is evident in its various applications explained below. But despite its valuable applications, urea presents challenges when it enters water sources.

Medical applications of Urea

Urea is used as a diuretic in the medical field, aiding the body in eliminating excess water and salt. It plays a crucial role in clinical laboratory testing, including the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test, which assesses kidney function. Additionally, urea is a common ingredient in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, offering moisturizing and hydrating properties.

Urea in Agriculture and Aquaculture

Urea-based fertilizers enhance crop yields by providing essential nitrogen to plants. In aquaculture, urea is used to promote fish growth, contributing to food production.

Auto industry use of urea

Urea is a major component of AdBlue, a solution added to the exhaust gases of diesel engines to convert NOx to nitrogen and water, reducing pollution.

Urea Water Treatment with Nyex Rosalox

Whilst some water treatment systems have had market leadership for some time, a far more efficient and eco-friendly process has been introduced in the last few years. The Nyex Rosalox™ system by Arvia Technology, a groundbreaking solution for pollutant removal from water.

This system combines adsorption and electrochemistry in a single continuous process, offering a multitude of benefits and advantages:

Energy Efficiency

The Nyex Rosalox™ system consumes significantly less energy compared to traditional treatment methods, resulting in lower operational costs and a reduced carbon footprint.


Arvia’s technology is environmentally friendly, minimizing the production of harmful byproducts and reducing waste generation. Minimal toxic sludge is produced and there are no hazardous chemicals to add.


The Nyex Rosalox™ system is not limited to urea removal; it effectively treats a wide range of contaminants, making it suitable for diverse water treatment applications.


Over the long term, the Nyex Rosalox™ system proves cost-effective due to its efficient operation and lower maintenance requirements. Having no moving parts, it will work continuously for long periods without supervision.

High Removal Efficiency

The system achieves high urea removal rates, ensuring the purity of treated water. In summary, our Nyex Rosalox™ system represents a revolutionary approach to urea removal from water. Its exceptional energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness make it the optimal choice for many industries.

For more information on the Nyex Rosalox™ system, see this page.

Jerome Budin

Water Treatment Consultant

Book a meeting at your convenience to talk to one of our specialists about your wastewater issues. Or send us an enquiry.

Other ways to remove urea from water

Apart from our Nyex Rosalox technology, several other techniques are currently in use to remove urea from water, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Urea removal by ozone

Ozone treatment involves injecting ozone gas into water to oxidize and break down urea molecules. This process is highly effective in removing urea.


  • Efficient urea removal.
  • Minimal production of harmful byproducts.


  • Ozone is a toxic chemical requiring careful storage and handling.
  • High energy consumption during ozone generation.
  • Removal rates can be inconsistent.

Urea removal by Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)

Granular Activated Carbon is a porous material with a large surface area that adsorbs urea molecules from water, trapping them within its structure.


  • Proven effectiveness in urea removal.
  • Can also remove other organic contaminants.
  • Cost-effective compared to some alternatives.


  • Requires periodic replacement of spent carbon.
  • This leads to waste management issues which we detail here.

Urea removal by Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Reverse Osmosis is a membrane-based filtration process that selectively allows water molecules to pass through while retaining urea and other contaminants.


  • High removal efficiency.
  • Effective for multiple contaminants.
  • Reliable and widely used in various applications.


  • Very expensive, both capital expenditure and operating costs.
  • Produces a concentrated urea waste stream that requires proper disposal.

Conclusion: Urea removal from water

The presence of urea in water can have detrimental effects on our environment and health. It is imperative that we adopt effective methods to remove urea from water sources to safeguard our ecosystems and well-being. The Nyex Rosalox™ system from Arvia Technology offers a cutting-edge solution that aligns with our goals of environmental protection and sustainability.

As we move forward, it is crucial that professionals from diverse fields prioritize the reduction of urea and similar contaminants in our environment. By embracing innovative technologies like the Nyex Rosalox™ system, we can work together to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world.

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