Destroy PFAS at Source

Our Nyex Floronox treatment technology destroys the long chain carbon-fluorine bonds.

Efficient and Environmentally Friendly

Florenox reactors operate at ambient temperatures and pressure. The technology does not create PFAS byproducts.

Onsite Destruction Technology

Nyex Florenox is a modular, scalable onsite solution offering flexible treatment capacity.

Understanding the PFAS Challenge

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have become a topic of significant concern due to their widespread use and persistence in the environment. Known for their hydrophobic and oleophobic properties, these chemicals have found their way into a multitude of consumer products.

From nonstick cookware to stain-repellent clothing, PFAS are integral to the production of items designed to resist water, grease, and stains. However, their persistence in the environment and potential health risks have raised significant concerns.

With regulations tightening, there is an urgent need for effective PFAS remediation technologies.

Product Details:

Our Nyex Florenox™ PFAS Removal Technology promotes the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals, which target the carbon-fluorine (C-F) bonds that make PFAS so resistant to other methods of removal.

Arvia is proud to offer innovative solutions for PFAS removal that are sustainable, effective, and scalable for all sectors, thanks to Nyex.3’s fluoride resistance.
Contact our experts today to find out how Nyex Florenox can help you stay environmentally safe and compliant with all current regulations for your industry.

With regulations tightening, there is an urgent need for effective PFAS remediation technologies.

Two technologies in one unit work together for higher efficiencies

Nyex.3 PFAS Removal

Nyex .3 is an advanced inert electrode material that promotes the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals. These have been proven to be extremely effective at breaking down the carbon fluoride (C-F) bonds that characterise PFAS chemicals, making the material and the process the most effective way to target and destroy PFAS.

Florenox Reactors

Florenox is Arvia’s next generation electrochemical oxidation (EO) reactors, which are capable of operating at ambient temperature and pressure. This makes Florenox an incredibly efficient and environmentally-friendly solution. The EO process is dependent on the mass transfer of PFAS to the electrode surface, which is maximised in the Florenox design.



Jerome Budin

Wastewater consultant

Schedule a call with one of our wastewater treatment consultants at your convenience. Or you can send us an enquiry.

Applications of Nyex Florenox

Arvia has demonstrated the efficacy of PFAS destruction using the Florenox system in various challenging scenarios. These include:

A range of water sources; leachate, groundwater, surface water and industrial effluent.

From a range of concentration technologies; foam fractionation, membrane, adsorbent resins.

From different applications; regeneration of adsorbent resins, land remediation, landfill leachate, AFFF.

Free industrial wastewater consultation

Tell us what organic compounds you need to remove from your water and our consultants will give their recommended approach which might involve:

  • Engineering assessment of your water profile
  • Treatability trial to scope the pilot
  • Optioneering to determine best solution
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Nyex Florenox Benefits

Onsite treatment

With Nyex Florenox you benefit from onsite treatment meaning no costs for transport or incinerating waste. It is a self-contained unit, with minimal operational overheads.

Fluoride tolerant electrodes

Offering improved lifetime versus other electrodes.

Derisking and compliance

Maintain regulatory compliance and avoid PFAS litigation.

Pricing options to suit your business requirements

Available as TaaS or CapEx models.

No chemical dosing

Avoid handling costs of chemicals, including H&S training for maintenance team, time spent completing COSHH and risk assessment paperwork and negative environmental impacts.

High up-time

Nyex Florenox can run continually because there are no membranes to clean or replace and no secondary waste to remove.

Modular flexible design

Nyex Florenox is a modular system which means treatment capacity is flexible.

Complementary technology

Integrates well with other technology to make other water treatment processes more efficient.

Nyex Florenox™ and Dr Florence Ogilvy Bell

Nyex Florenox takes its name from Dr Florence Ogilvy Bell, a British scientist who contributed to the discovery of the structure of DNA. We chose Florence because she was a scientist, like many of us at Arvia. We find her intelligence and dedication inspirational and are proud to call one of our products after her.

Florence was born and raised in London, and studied Natural Sciences at Girton College, Cambridge between 1932 and 1935, concentrating on Chemistry, Physics and mineralogy. Whilst at Cambridge, she was taught how to use X-ray crystallography to study biological molecules and later moved to the University of Manchester where she worked on protein crystallography. She received her PhD from the University of Leeds in 1939.

Florence’s most important achievement was the clear demonstration that DNA had a regular, ordered structure that could be revealed using the methods of X-ray crystallography.