

Equipment Capacity/Flow Rate

Low flow

Compounds of Concern

5 herbicides – Imazomox, Florasulam, Nicosulfuron, Imazapyr and Clomazone

Influent Concentration


Treatment Targets

Below 0.001mg/L



Equipment Capacity/Flow Rate

Low flow

Compounds of Concern

5 herbicides – Imazomox, Florasulam, Nicosulfuron, Imazapyr and Clomazone

Influent Concentration


Treatment Targets

Below 0.001mg/L

Problem: Reduce total herbicide concentration to UK drinking water standards

Our client was an agrochemical manufacturer from Israel who wanted us to help to treat their wastewater. They wanted to meet the industry standard with their wastewater discharge.

The objective of the project was to assess the effectiveness of the Nyex™ treatment system in reducing the total herbicide concentration in the wastewater to UK drinking water standards, from 1.1 mg/L to <0.001 mg/L.

The manufacturer was keen to show their commitment to protecting the environment through the removal of micropollutant compounds in the discharge water.

The concentrations of five different herbicides: Imazomox, Florasulam, Nicosulfuron, Imazapyr and Clomazone were studied before and after treatment with the system.

Our Nyex Rosalox system, which can remove pesticides and herbicides to trace levels. See adjacent video

Jerome Budin

Wastewater consultant

Schedule a call with one of our wastewater treatment consultants at your convenience. Or you can send us an enquiry.

Our Water Treatment Solution

Our Nyex Rosalox treatment system combines adsorption with advanced oxidation in a single, scalable unit. Trace organics are concentrated on the surface of our proprietary media, which is non-porous with high electrical conductivity. This patented adsorbent media allows for targeted and continuous oxidation.

Unlike granular activated carbon (GAC), this media is effectively regenerated in situ and the process can continue without interruption or replacement. Results are achieved without chemical dosing or the generation of sludge. This reduces costs from transportation of chemicals and specialist waste disposal. It is also an eco friendly solution.

The system provides a chemical free and eco-friendly solution, which comes in a modular design and can be bolted onto an existing treatment solution. It is also versatile and can be modified to suit a manufacturers specific requirement for reuse or effluent discharge.

A laboratory-scale version of the Nyex Rosalox a treatment system was initially tested at our in-house facility. The capabilities proven resulted in the project being scaled-up, with the construction of a Nyex™ 7-100a pilot system on the manufacturing site.

What’s it like to work with Arvia?

“The technical discussions, the lab scale tests and the final report were of excellent quality.”

Group Expert, Agrochem company

Free industrial wastewater consultation

Tell us what organic compounds you need to remove from your water and our consultants will give their recommended approach which might involve:

  • Engineering assessment of your water profile
  • Treatability trial to scope the pilot
  • Optioneering to determine best solution

Results: Removal of herbicides from water

During the trial, the herbicides were successfully removed from the wastewater to safe levels. All five herbicides were removed to trace levels of 1μg or below, which was well below the target.

This trial showed a mean herbicide removal of approximately 99.8% with an applied current of 1 Amp.

We have had similar success with other agrochemicals such as: 2,4-D; Boscalid; MCPA; Atrazine; Carbendazim; DCMU; Mecoprop; Metaldehyde; Terbutryn.

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